Researches laureate

More information (in French) are available on the French Page


General call for projects [2019]

The Obuntu Bulamu toolkit: peer to peer support school intervention tools for teachers, parents, and children to improve inclusive education in Uganda

Medical Research Council (MRC)/ Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI) & London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) Uganda Research Unit, Ghent University, Metz University, Kyambogo University, Ministry of Education and Sports, SURE Prospect Primary School, Parents support group SHYNEA, Katalemwa Cheshire Home, Cinema Gearhouse, Mukiza

This 2 year project will develop, test, and disseminate 4 implementation support tools based on a peer to peer support intervention to improve inclusion of children with disabilities in primary schools in Uganda. The tools will describe school experiences and simple steps children, parents, and teachers can take to include children with disabilities in school and will offer concrete solutions to the difficulties children with disabilities and their families encounter on a daily basis.
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Peer learning and social support for students with disabilities in higher education (PLE3SD)

The University Paris 8-Vincennes-Saint-Denis, Technological University Dublin, Oslo Metropolitan University, University of the Aegean, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (France), l’Association des Professionnels d'ACcompagnement du Handicap dans l'Enseignement Supérieur, (France), Droit au savoir, (France).

Understanding how disabled students with disabilities in higher education can be best supported by their non-disabled peers in both learning and participating in university life, and what encouragement and training non-disabled students need to provide this support.
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Poverty and Disability call for project, in partnership with la Croix Rouge française and the Foundation MAAF Initiatives et handicap [2019]

Promoting access to housing for people with psychological disabilities : the difficulties of administrative procedures, and solutions to these difficulties

Research Platform on Mental Health and Psychological Disability (PRSM-HP), The Centre d’Étude et de Recherche Appliquée (CERA), The University of Rouen, Normandy, The University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, The Association « Aurore », the Public Health Authority of Ville-Evrard, The Association « Adef-Résidences », The UNAFAM, The Association « Iris-Messidor », LADAPT, The Collectif Schizophrénies.

The main aim of this project is to promote access to housing for people with psychological disabilities. It will examine the complexity of administrative procedures and how they affect people with disabilities. It will also identify and propose solutions to these issues through the creation of a guide for those concerned and their carers.
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General Call for Projects

Mediation and digital accessibility for deaf students (MANES)

Research conducted by the Université Grenoble Alpes, the Université Lyon 2, the Haute Ecole Charlemagne (Belgium), and with the participation of deaf students, teachers, administrative staff and disability support services.

The general aim is to optimize academic success for deaf students in written French, by improving the identification of specific needs, and by examining the introduction of technological and teaching tools adapted to their specific writing needs. One of the aims of the project is to evaluate the usefulness of automatic vocal recognition techiques (AvaMe, RogerVoice…) in note-taking for deaf students.

Co-construction of interventions and multiple expertise. The trio of « person concerned, caregiver, healthcare professional » in interventions for people with mental disabilities.

Research conducted by the Centre d’Etude et de Recherche Appliquée (CERA), the Institut Régional et Européen des Métiers de l’Intervention Sociale (IREIS). The research team is composed of people with mental disabilities, healthcare professionals, and researchers.

Based on participatory research facilitating co-construction of the intervention between people with mental disabilities, caregivers and healthcare professionals, this project aims to provide people with disabilities with services which promote social inclusion and self-determination, in the home and living environment.

This project will use research knowledge to produce a digital module for training and self-training. The aim of this module is to enable the different parties concerned to co-construct support solutions for people with mental disabilities, by building on the knowledge of each person concerned.


Disability & extreme povertylaunched in partnership with la Croix Rouge Française et la Fondation d’entreprise MAAF Initiatives et Handicap [2018]


To what extent are motor and sensory disabilities a factor in the non-use of emergency social services by the homeless? A look at the situation in Paris and Lausanne with the aim of designing accessibility guidelines.

Research carried out by the CREAI Ile de France, with the Haute École de Travail Social of Lausanne, the Université Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis, and different aid organizations (the SAMU social of Paris, l’Armée du Salut…) and associations for disabled persons.

The aim is to measure the extent to which disability in the homeless impedes access to emergency social services in Paris and Lausanne, by limiting accessibility to welfare organizations and to welfare support for these people, whose needs are not taken into account.
This Collaborative Action Research (CAR) aims to offer pragmatic suggestions, working with homeless people and emergency service providers to design guidelines for the care and support of people with disabilities.


Disability and rural areas launched in partnership with Solidel, Laser emploi and the Agrica Group [2018]

Equipping key local actors to enable people with disabilities to live and work in rural areas

University Clermont-Auvergne, in partnership with LADAPT, the Institut d’Auvergne du Développement des Territoires (IADT), actors of the employment of people with disabilities, the network ASTRA.

With the end aim of giving people with disabilities more choices to live and work in rural areas, this project will place people at the centre of the research. Based on an evaluation of the ESAT’s practices, on an assessment of the ties between the ESAT and its region, on an examination of the potential of each region, what steps should be taken, what impetus should be given so that people with disabilities can choose to live and work in rural areas in a fulfilling manner.
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Ageing and disability launched in partnership with KLESIA and the CCAH [2018]


Ageing in people with traumatic brain injury and disabilities

University of Lille, in partnership with the association R’éveil of the Hauts-de-France, the network TC-AVC 59/92, CHRU Lille, The Foundation Opale and the Foundation Partage et vie.

This project concerns the ageing process in people with TBI and concomitant disabilities and seeks to identify the main issues linked to ageing, and personal expectations.

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Autism and New Technologies Call for Projects, launched by the Fondation Orange, the UEFA Fundation for children in partnership with FIRAH

Coordination and social skills in children with autism spectrum disorders (asd)

Research carried by the CERPPS and therapists in the field

This project focusses on the hypothesis that there is a co-dependency between the development of specific social skills and motor coordination in children with ASD. More specifically, its aim is to improve cooperation, non-verbal communication and understanding of the social  intentions of these children, and to test the efficacity of NAO robot-assisted therapy.
The deliverables from this project are varied: an e-learning tool aimed at parents and professionals, describing the type of support studied in this project, an e-learning tool for the large public concerned by this topic, highlighting the results of the project in terms of robot-assisted support for children with ASD, clearly-worded brochures and posters presenting the methods of intervention evaluated in this study.
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General call for projects launched by FIRAH

Support for the inclusion of children with disabilities

Research carried by the University of Toulouse and the Association Crescendo

In France, families of children with disabilities encounter huge difficulties finding childcare facilities, mainly due to two factors: fear of disability on the part of childcare professionals, and insufficient human, material and technical resources.
This project aims to evaluate the usefulness of a mobile support unit for the inclusion of children with disabilities and their families.
The project deliverables will be: a set of guidelines for families and childcare professionals, promoting the inclusion of children with disabilities in mainstream childcare facilities and a pedagogic video on the same topic.
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Resisting stigma in psychosocial disability: a programme co-produced by people with schizophrenia, their families and healthcare professsionals

the University of Bordeaux and the UNAFAM

Stigmatisation is recognized today as a key issue in psychosocial disability. Actions to reduce stigmatisation are until now focussing on negatives perceptions of the general public and of persons stigmatised with very few results.
This project aims to develop and evaluate a programme of resistance to stigmatization, based on scientifically-proven principles of practice and a co-production between those involved on the ground: people with psychosocial disabilities, their families, and professionals.
The deliverables from this research will be varied: a digital guidebook on the topic: « Co-producing actions to resist stigmatization in psychosocial disability; a document presenting the programme including training proposals.
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Improve accessibility of digital textbooks for students with visual disabilities in mainstream classrooms (access-man)

The University de Toulouse, the IRIT et the IJA de Toulouse

This project has two main considerations : a strong political desire to develop digital teaching tools for schools (Digital Plan for Education), and the difficulties for digital textbook publishers in designing teaching tools that are accessible to students with visual disabilities in mainstream classrooms due to a lack of specific knowledge of their needs.
The aim is to evaluate the accessibility of digital textbooks for students in mainstream classrooms, that these texts be adapted and/or accessible through assistive technology, and to design and evaluate accessibility solutions.
The project deliverables will be varied: a short video to present the project, a video presenting the needs of students with visual disabilities in their use of digital textbooks; a document containing recommendations for the design of accessible digital textbooks.
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Autism and New Technologies Call for Projects, launched by the Fondation Orange, the UEFA Fundation for children in partnership with FIRAH

Software for combined training of social interaction and motor learning

The Laboratoire d'Informatique pour la Mécanique et les Sciences de l'Ingénieur (LIMSI) CNRS

This research should support the person with autism in the development of his motor and social skills which can be seen as a lever to promote his inclusion in sport, education, or even his participation in daily activities within the family.
By developing a virtual training tool for collaborative motor tasks, the project leaders aim to evalauate the capacity of digital tools to improve both the motor and social skills of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
The materials produced by this research are varied: a training software, a set of videos which will show two people undertaking collaborative motor tasks with real objects (carrying a table, etc.)
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Genious Systèmes and the child and teenagers psychiatric service of the CHU Pitié-Salpêtrière

The diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in children is on the increase, and presents differently depending on the child. An early diagnosis is essential, in order to implement intensive, individualised therapeutic care that is multi-dimensional and thus more effective. The aim of the e-GOLIAH project is to provide the necessary improvements to the game « GOLIAH » in order to increase its appropriateness and applicability, in an approach involving all relevant parties.The research deliverables will be varied : games, a dedicated game on the website, and two MOOC (e-learning) : one for parents and one for healthcare professionals
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Developing and implementing a framework for evidence based practice for technology relevant for autism

Université Pierre et Marie Curie and field stakeholders from England, Scotland, Spain, USA and France

There has been an exponential proliferation in the availability of digital technologies to support the autistic community, with no mechanism by which they, or their care-givers, can easily use evidence to gauge whether such technologies are beneficial, or indeed to assess possible harm.
Practitioners find it difficult to choose the most appropriate piece of technology to support their work. Evidence-based practice (EBP) is central to medical disciplines and has been extended to psycho-behavioural interventions for autism.
To enable the autistic and autism communities to effectively contribute to the co-design of the EBP framework, novel protocols will be developed for online participatory design (using Twitter, Facebook, Skype, We will make recommendations for how digital technologies can facilitate inclusion and promote respect for autistic people.
Expected deliverables are : Accessible web document detailing the nature of evidence to support digital interventions for ASD ; Recommendations for facilitating inclusion in co-design through online communication ; An EBP framework ; An end-user friendly web document ; An evaluation of existing digital technologies (including apps) using the EBP framework ; Accessible documentation on how to apply the EBP framework to an existing technology, including apps ; Guidelines for the provision of evidence for software/hardware engineers ; A MOOC to support the autistic and autism communities evaluate evidence and implement the EBP framework.
Dedicated webpage

General call for projects launched by FIRAH


Université de Lille 1, the NGO Handifac and the city of Villeneuve d’Ascq

This research project aims to gather and visualise all the structural elements of the University of Lille 1 paths, furniture, buildings and services, in order to design a spatial navigation and exchange tool for people with disabilities.Materials produced by the project will be: the collaborative digital tool GEVU, enabling visual mapping for all users of the university Lille 1. This will assist users in preparing for their schooling, but also with everyday life (journeys, meals, access to libraries, special facilities…); a digital guidebook for the higher education community, disseminating the results of this experience.
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Families and disability: managing parental stress for parents of children with Dravet syndrome

Université de Lorraine, the french, swiss and dutch NGO of the Syndrome de Dravet, and the families NGO Vivre avec l’autisme-54

Dravet syndrome is a severe form of infantile epilepsy, which affects the cognitive development of the child. It also affects family function as parents struggle to cope with the disability of their child.
The aim of this research is to create efficient tools for the support of parents, professionals of healthcare and education; it also aims to raise awareness in civil society and in policy-makers in pediatric epilepsy and epilepsy in general.
The deliverables from this project are: a training tool for parents of children with Dravet syndrome, health professionals, teachers and social workers; awareness-raising videos aimed at children and adults; recommendations for policy-makers
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Interactions between children with disabilities (0-6 years old), and ‘ordinary’ children: factors that encourage or hinder development for children with disabilities in inclusive situations

Université Paris Ouest Nanterre, the ANECAMSP, the CESAP and the Fédération Trisomie 21 France

This research should enhance parental and professional support for children with disabilities in their encounters with other children, in their similarities and differences, in order to facilitate inclusion.
From an analysis of the way in which relations between children (0-6 years old) are constructed and evolve, the study will identify factors that encourage or hinder the choice of satisfying relationships for all children.
The materials produced by this research are varied: tools to observe factors which encourage or hinder the establishment of satisfying relationships between children, with or without disabilities, in inclusive situations, and the development of these relationships.
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çATED pour tes dents: A research and development programme on the usefulness of a digital dental hygiene agenda for children with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD)

Université de Nantes, the ADAPEI 44, Agir et Vivre l’autisme and the Chrysalide de l’Etre

This research project will promote the implementation of the çATED software in dental surgeries, in order to better organize dental care, and provide dental educational support to children and their carers (professionals and parents).
The materials produced by the research will be varied: training for parents and professionals in assistance with daily dental care for children with ASD; dissemination of results at conferences on disability or on dental care.
Dedicated webpage

Daily life for people in a Chronic Vegetative State (CVS) or in a  Minimally Conscious State (MCS), in the home

Union Nationale des Associations de Familles de Traumatisés Crâniens, France Traumatisme Crânien and the Université de Rouen
This research aims to study strategies developed by families for care in the home, combining the different perspectives of families and professionals on the daily lives of people with CVS-MCS living at home.
The materials produced by this study will be varied: a questionnaire for the evaluation of home care for people with CVS/MCS; the dissemination of results at numerous conferences; the use of these results in the elaboration of a care protocol for patients and their families in the home.
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An applied research project to evaluate schooling difficulties for children with sickle cell disease: working towards better support for these children

Université Paris Est Créteil and the reference centre for paediactric sickle cell disease in Créteil

Sickle cell disease (SCD) is the first genetic illness to be screened for at birth in France. The term « skill » is used to qualify the goals to be reached via activities offered to pupils (reading/writing). It is thanks to targeted microskills (desire to write, choice of writing tools, ability to hold the writing tool, space assigned to write in, etc) that they will acquire this skill. This research aims to develop tools to evaluate these microskills in children with SCD.
The materials produced by the research will be varied: teaching tools to inform or train teachers; papers to be presented at training sessions for professionals of healthcare and education.
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Supporting the Inclusion of “Invisible” Children and Youth with Disabilities and their Families in Rural El Salvador

International Partners Cassie Memorial and University of Maryland

In rural El Salvador, people with disabilities are often “invisible”, that is, most never leave home, attend school, or participate in village life. Many families are unaware of their rights, unsure of how to access needed services, and unsure of how to include their child in village life. This project is designed to investigate the needs of individuals with disabilities and their families who live in poor villages and to promote their participation in day-to-day village life.
The project’s leaders propose to produce the following material from the research intended for use by stakeholders: a Training Toolkit to include guide/independent modules/videos) to help other groups promote participation of individuals with disabilities in their communities.
Dedicated webpage

ACCESSPACE: a new technology for visually impaired accessibility to space during mobility

Université de Rouen and the NGO Normandie Lorraine, Visibility Scotland and the Centre for Sensory Impaired People

ACCESSPACE aims to design a specific GPS system for people with visual deficiencies, for use in any environment, enabling the visually deficient person to plan his mobility. The device will display useful information during mobility.
Products based on the research results are varied: a website grouping all research-related materials for the general public; an awareness-raising film for the general public, on the specificities of interactions for people with visual disabilities; a training course on the use of ACCESSPACE; a guidebook, teaching people with disabilities how to understand and move around in public spaces, will be produced.
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Mental health: from disqualification to gaining a voice». Research on conditions of emergence, recognition and the inclusion of opinions of people with mental disabilities, by public decision-makers

Advocacy France and Isabelle Maillard, sociologist

The aim of this research project is to facilitate the inclusion of people with mental illnesses and their carers, by propose ways to overcome communication and comprehension difficulties.
The research results will lead to the creation of two good practice guides: one for people with mental illness, and a second aimed at the people who support them.
The participation of people with disabilities in research projects concerning their daily lives will also be promoted, via a documentary and a symposium.
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The myth of asexuality? Disability stigma as a barrier to sexual relationships in South Africa

Universitof East London and SAFOD

This research project studies the myths and attitudes surrounding the sexuality of people with disabilities, based on their own experiences. Sexual health is a fundamental human right; however, research shows that people with disabilities encounter difficulties in access to sexual health services, which prevent them from having healthy sexual relations.
The results of this project will be used to produce a book containing accounts by people with disabilities on recognition of their sexuality, and a video documentary with interviews of the participants in this project.
Dedicated webpage

An investigation into the impact of stigma on the education and life opportunities available to children and young people with albinism in Tanzania and Uganda

University of Conventry, Advantage Africa, Standing Voice, New Light Children Centre Organisation (NELICO) in Tanzania and The Source of the Nile Union of Persons with Albinism (SNUPA) in Uganda

The aim of this study is to examine the impact of stigma and the fears surrounding albinism, and more generally, the perceptions and beliefs on this subject in Tanzania and Uganda. The study deals with limitations on opportunities for children and young adults, particularly in the field of education.

The research results will be used to provide recommendations to actors on the ground, and to the governments of Tanzania and Uganda.
Dedicated webpage

Love: access to a love life and sexuality for people with intellectual disabilities – Designing a training and research programme, with and for people with Down’s syndrome

Université Lyon 2 and the Fédération Trisomie 21 France

In close collaboration with people with Down’s syndrome living in the community, the project aims to develop sexual education tools that respond to their needs and aspirations, to study the impact of these tools on their knowledge of sexuality, their feelings about their own love lives and sexuality, and their capacity for self-determination in this matter.
The tools will be varied: an awareness and information video on love lives and sexuality (aimed at people with intellectual disabilities, their families and carers); training tools on love, intimacy and sexuality for people with Down’s syndrome.
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GeoAccess: New technologies for the accessibility of geographical data

Laboratoire Commun Institut de recherche en informatique de Toulouse and the Institut des Jeunes Aveugles de Toulouse

The aim of this project is to enable teachers of children with visual disability to design new interactive tools for spatial learning. It is based on certain free resources (software and data), but also on new technologies such as the 3D printer and methods of rapid prototyping
The research results will be applied to a set of recommendations and tools such as 3D printers and small, easy to use, inexpensive electronic systems (see http://cherchonspourvoir/faisletoimeme). Several demonstrations of concrete use (geography lessons, locomotion training, etc.) will be shared.
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The daily life of people in a chronic vegetative and pauci-relational state (CVS / PRS) in dedicated units

Union Nationale des Associations de Familles de Traumatisés Craniens and the Université de Rouen

From the outset, dedicated units for the care of patients with CVS/MCS have been located in the health sector, meaning a greater focus on healthcare than on life plans for these patients. Today, families and professionals working in these units are questioning this imbalance, which does not promote the optimum development of relationships for these patients.
Research-related materials will be in a variety of forms: a questionnaire for families and professionals to continue the studies the quality of life of patients with CVS/MCS, a guidelines for patients and their families in CVS/MCS units; trainings and recommendations for policies makers.
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Communicating together: Co-construction of multimodal communicative space between people carrying Down Syndrome and individuals 'ordinary'

Gipsa-Lab, Université de Grenoble and the NGO ARIST

Speech disorders are more severe than intellectual disability in people with Down Syndrome. This causes non-disabled people to adopt forms of communication which aggravate the speech difficulties of the person with Down Syndrome. This research project will attempt to help families and professionals to understand that speech is not the only means of communication, nor is it the only means of access to verbal language. There are alternatives means to enhance communication: manual gestures, interaction and exchange/dissemination.
The materials produced by this research are varied: a film explaining the project, aimed at people with disabilities and their families, professionals, and all other parties who might be confronted with the difficulties of communication for people with Down Syndrome or other disabilities.
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Eliminating barriers faced by victims with intellectual disabilities

Carmen Pardo-Valcare Foundation and Universidad Complutense of Madrid

C'est ma vie : je la choisis

Fédération Trisomie 21 France, the Universities of Mons and Bordeaux

An assessment of the social, cultural and institutional factors that contributes to the sexual abuse of persons with disabilities in east Africa

Advantage Africa and Dr. Mary Wickenden, Centre for International Health and Development (CIHD) UCL
Dedicated webpage


Peer counseling: an emerging social function – Creation of a framework for qualification and certification

Groupement Français des Personnes Handicapées and the Université de Toulouse

Involvement of persons with disabilities in local governance: how do we measure the impact of inclusive local development strategies?

CIEDEL, CIRRIS, Handicap International, APF and Vida Brazil
Dedicated webpage

Post-traumatic behavioural disorders: analysis and development of the expertise of the relatives and the victims

The Université d’Angers, the NGO Union Nationale des Associations de Familles de Traumatisés Craniens et cérébro-lésés (UNAFTC) and the Mutualité Française Anjou–Mayenne

Housing for an inclusive society

Association des Paralysés de France and the Université Paris Est Créteil


Samagama: Participatory action research (PAR) and knowledge of community-based rehabilitation (CBR)

AIFO in partnership with the University of London, University of Washington and the Universty of Florence
Dedicated webpage

Research project on the representation and evaluation of disability in Haïti

Handicap International in partnership with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Dedicated webpage

Disability evaluation mechanisms– What are the issues relating to the formulation of current social policies in the light of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD)

Haute Ecole Libre de Bruxelles and the RIPPH