An investigation into the impact of stigma on the education and life opportunities available to children and young people with albinism in Tanzania and Uganda

A project led by Coventry University in partnership with Advantage Africa, Standing Voice, Source of the Nile Union of Persons with Albinism (SNUPA, Uganda) and New Light Children Center Organization (NELICO, Tanzania)

People with albinism

Issues of albinism in Africa are steeped in negativity and much has been written about the attacks on people with albinism and the challenges they face. Myths and misconceptions abound. In the context of attacks on those with albinism which have been highlighted in both national and international media reports, this project aimed to document in a positive way the innovative and practical ways in which those with albinism navigate the many challenges they face in accessing appropriate health, education and welfare services. This fills a crucial gap in our understanding and provides the evidence base to inform interventions by both governmental and non-governmental agencies.
[…]The project produced a rich vein of narratives from both countries, identifying the multiple agents and facilitators helping to provide a supportive network for families with albinism, with the affected person at the centre as an active agent in promoting their own advocacy.
[…] In collaboration with participants and other actors, the team have developed a series of recommendations at different tiers, listing specific action points to be taken at different levels from national government, through local government in conjunction with the community and including calls to those with albinism themselves to be more proactive in putting themselves up for positions in the community.

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