International seminar Polyscol

Le 21 February 2019

The INSHEA and the Grhapes, organize in parternship with the University of Paris Nanterre and the Clipsyd the international seminar Polyscol, the 22nd and 23rd march.

The objectives of the conference "PIMD and learning processes" are:

  • To present the POLYSCOL research, its results and the resulting perceptions from the point of view of research and practices (pedagogical, educational, institutional…)
  • To categorise scientific knowledge in the field of learning for people with PIMD, throughout life.
  • To demonstrate how to encourage learning for people with PIMD, specifically by highlighting accessibility to teaching and the inclusion of various epistemological points of view.
  • To encourage meeting and exchanges between professionals, parents and researchers in order to pool skills in this field and support innovative practices.

This conference is aimed at everyone - researchers, students, teachers, educators, re-educators, education and support professionals, parents or helpers, managers of medical-social establishments and services, public administrations or associations – who are involved in research into learning for people with PIMD.

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