Explanatory models of disability

More ressources are also available in French on this page : https://www.firah.org/modeles-explicatifs-du-handicap.html


On this page, you will find different explanatory models of disability to better understand it and to act.

Disability Creation Process
INDCP (International Network on the Disability Creation Process)

“An explanative model of the causes and consequences of disease, trauma and other disruptions to a person's integrity and development.”

[source: INDCP]


ICF-WHO: Classification of functioning, disability and health

ICF model

[source: GIFFOCH]

ICF (International Classification of functioning)

This course will help you understanding the ICF model and classification terms. It will also help you learning how to apply and use the ICF in practice.


ICF-WHO: Classification of functioning, disability and health

Nonserial publication – World Health Organization


GIFFOCH (Groupe International Francophone pour la Formation aux Classifications du Handicap)

The GIFFOCH aims at disseminating two models of classification currently used by professionals in health and social work: ICF and DCP. [French only]