Included in society, Results and Recommendations of the European Research Initiative on Community-Based Residential Alternatives for Disabled People.


  • Geert Freyhoff (Inclusion Europe (Belgium))
  • Camilla Parker (Open Society Mental Health Initiative (United Kingdom))
  • Magali Coué (Inclusion Europe (Belgium))
  • Nancy (United Kingdom) Greig




Included in society, Results and Recommendations of the European Research Initiative on Community-Based Residential Alternatives for Disabled People., European Commission for Commity Living, 2003. 97 p

Résumé de l'auteur

The study shows clearly that large residential institutions, often located in isolated places, segregate their residents from the community and from social life. Furthermore, it provides evidence of situations in which the human rights of residents in large institutions are often violated. This is unacceptable. However, the study goes further than developing an overview of institutionalised care: the study also demonstrates that large residential institutions are not able to deliver the same access to rights and quality of life for their residents as community based-services can do. It therefore examines possibilities for, and conditions of de-institutionalisation towards alternative community-based forms of care and support. the appropriate assistance from relevant actors, the well-being of disabled persons can be significantly enhanced. In this respect, community-based settings play a crucial role in the well-being of people with disabilities, alongside families whose role as care providers should not be a pretext for the disengagement of public authorities. The responsibilities should be shared out between all the key actors at all relevant levels, including the State which holds the primary responsibility for providing services and support.

Commentaire du Centre Ressources

NGOs and European universities contributed to this inclusion project. It was carried out in 25 European countries. It mainly refers to article 19 of the UN Convention (Living independently and being included in the community). This report gives political advice on the community based services for people with disabilities. It will be useful for the NGOs, the decision makers, the care providers, and will interest people with disabilities and their relatives.